April 30, 2009

Life Goes On....

It's been another crazy week...kids activities, dentist appts. to change, Young Women's camp stuff to work out, MK order anticipated to arrive SOON :o), house to clean and KEEP that way, etc., etc. Nothing really out of the ordinary...just life with 3 kids, 1 cat and a husband.
Tallen is learning to use the bathroom for something other than baths...HORRAY! He is soooo proud of himself. All grown up at 3 and stuff. Miranda is learning about self reliance and potential - we have a tape series that she is totally into. Sariah is selling service coupons for Girl's Camp this July. She was going to sell baked goods but figured folks might need service type stuff more. She sold 3 to one person today! She's excited.
I'm looking forward to Stake Conference this weekend. We'll hear from the Stake President and have a broadcast message from Utah as well. Very exciting - this technology!!! What would we ever do without it? Snail mail and tie myself to the wall phone again...NO WAY!!!

April 24, 2009


I woke up early this morning, REALLY early for me. 6:01am. I know I should go downstairs and exercise...but I'd rather sit, bundled against the chill in the air with my goose down lap blanket and listen to my Husband snoring, the cat purring, the birds chirping and singing and watch the sky get lighter. I love mornings for this reason. Just a time to be alone in the quiet and BE with God and his creations. I think I get too busy with the fluff of life later in the day, to BE with Him. Maybe that's why we are told to "Be still and know that I am God." It is in the stillness of our hearts and minds that He speaks loudest of all. I think I might make a habit of this waking up early. If I want to be a instrument in His hands, I SHOULD take time to be instructed shouldn't I?
Maybe I can combine the goals: wake up early, commune with my Heavenly Father AND get exercise. Now that spring is FINALLY here, I can walk outside. :o) Maybe I'll even add reading my scriptures and more regular Temple attendance to the routine. What is it they say? 21 days to a new habit? We'll see...but for today, I enjoyed the time with God.
The birds just turned off, like an alarm clock that's buzzed too long...why do they do that? At 6:00, it's wildly noisey out there. At 6:30, a good many stop chattering and by 7:00, it's quiet and all I hear is the Husband snores, cat purrs and the clock ticking from the bathroom (I didn't notice it until just now.) Why do they not sing in the daytime? How do birds communicate with one another? Or are they just listening now? I feel disappointed and sad with the bird song gone. I guess it would be like when the spirit is there (as the birds are still there) but I can't hear it. I must set myself to listen better.

Be still, and KNOW that I am God.
I like it.

April 23, 2009


Day 2 brought decorations for the blog. I think it turned out beautiful! Tell me what you think.

April 22, 2009

Here we are!

OK - after much research and consideration...tah-dah! I decided and here we are!
Let me explain the title, I bet you are wondering! Well, on Easter at Mimi's we were watching the show Weird Food or whatever, where the host travels the world sampling these VERY strange dishes. I thought to myself..."I bet ANYTHING would taste better covered in chocolate!" So, that's the reason for the name! Because even the worst of moments, the WORST of days, is better with a little chocolate! I personally keep a stash hidden in my bedroom. Does that mean I'm addicted?